1. Log into the system https://benefits.cloudadvisors.ca/
2. To create a new Group from the homepage, click the Add New Group button on the right side of the page. To return to this homepage, click on your logo at any time.
Hover over My Evaluation and click on Group Profile:
And click the Add New Group Button:
3. Enter in the required detail for the new group.
4. Hover over the My Evaluation menu and select Benchmarking:
5. Compare by the provided selections:
National - All Clients on the platform (13,000+)
Industry: All Clients within this industry, in Canada, all sizes
Region: All Clients within the Group's current Province, all industries, all sizes
Size: All Clients within the Group's current size range, all industries, all Canada
Click the Advanced Filter option at the top of the Comparison box - available only for PRO PLUS accounts.
** If you receive an error message, please contact Support to unlock the Advanced Filters.
6. Click Next the correct Summaries pages (pages will be blank if you do not have booklets uploaded).
7. Select the industries, regions, and sizes to for the comparison group:
Scroll to bottom of page to view the number of comparison groups included in your selection, if ready to view click Submit.
8: You will now see the selected comparison listed in the Advanced Filter box. To edit this selection click Compare By.
9. Export or Share this data:
Share directly with your client through an invitation to the platform (this will only have access to the group you have shared from)
Export the highlighted benefits page as a JPEG to your computer, this will provide a one-page document.
Generate Report: Create a full Plan Evaluation PDF report with Benchmarking, Plan Insights, Recommendations, and Solution Matches.
Select the Benchmarking report and preferred language from the pop-up screen and click Proceed:
(Plan Evaluation Report Includes BAR Score, Insights, Solution Matches which cannot be generated for Prospects without booklets uploaded)
10. Your Plan Evaluation Report will generate within 5 minutes and be available under Reports: How to Access Reports
11. To view uploaded documents, hover over My Evaluation and click on Reports:
CloudAdvisors Support Team (support@cloudadvisors.ca)
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