Under the Extended Health Care Coverage and Drug section a "Managed Formulary" refers to any actively managed drug formulary. In other words, any definitions of drugs to be included or excluded from coverage based on a set of criteria. A Managed Formulary can be managed by a provider pharmacy team, a provincial health authority or a third party. A managed formulary is commonly based on principles beyond what drugs Health Canada may have approved but also consideration given to the cost of the medication and it's proven therapeutic value for a given condition.
Closed Drug Definition refers to any restriction such as mandatory or voluntary generic substitution or low cost alternative on a prescription drug plan. (if there is a restriction - YES, if there are no restrictions - NO)
Generic Sub vs Alternate breaks down the split between generic substitution vs. low cost alternative for groups that have a restricted drug definition. (only includes data from groups marked YES above)
Generic Substitution breaks down the data further into if the definition is mandatory or voluntary. (only includes data from groups marked GENERIC above).
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